April 6, 2024 -- Letter shared with all school families. Please read the letter below and attached here about changes at Regina Public schools as a result of Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation job action announcement.
April 6, 2024
Dear Regina Public Schools Families:
On April 5, 2024, the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation announced:
“Beginning Monday, April 8, 2024 [12:01 a.m.] all members of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation will withdraw voluntary professional services until further notice. This includes a restricted work day and withdrawal of noon-hour supervision, extracurricular activities and other voluntary services.”
As a result, as of Monday morning, April 8, 2024 and until further notice, Regina Public Schools families will see the following changes:
- Indefinite withdrawal of extracurricular activities
- All extracurricular activities will be cancelled, including competitions/games, practices, clubs, and other activities scheduled to take place before school, over the noon hour, after school and in the evening, until further notice.
- Indefinite withdrawal of extended before and after school supervision
- Before and after school supervision will be limited to 15 minutes, therefore morning bus transportation pick up times for schools will be impacted. Specifically, morning pick up times for schools with double bus runs will be rescheduled 15-20 minutes later than usual for both runs, to ensure supervision is in place at the school when students arrive. Please check the Ride 360 app to find the specific times for your students.
- Single bus run morning pick up times will not be impacted.
- The Transportation Office will send a School Messenger email to all families with further information.
- Indefinite withdrawal of noon-hour supervision
- Elementary schools will follow their regular schedule except for an adjusted/extended lunch period:
- School starts at the regular time and follows the usual morning schedule.
- 11:45-11:55 a.m. – Transition time for students to leave school.
- 11:55-12:55 p.m. – Lunch break. All elementary schools will be closed.
- Students who are bused/transported to school will be transported home over the lunch break, with the same timing as for the last noon supervision cancellation. Please check the Ride 360 app after 10:00 am on Monday morning for the specific departure times for your students.
- Parents/caregivers who can get their students back to school for afternoon classes and arrange for them to get home at the end of the school day are encouraged to do so.
- School starts at the regular time and follows the usual morning schedule.
- Elementary schools will follow their regular schedule except for an adjusted/extended lunch period:
- 12:55-1:05 – Transition time for students to return to school. Students should not arrive back at school prior to 12:55 pm.
- 1:05 p.m. – Afternoon classes begin for students and continue until the regular end of the school day.
- There will be no bus/transportation service at the end of the school day, therefore parents/caregivers of all transported students who return for the afternoon must pick up their students after school.
- The high school schedule will compress to a 5-period day (no advisory) in the morning and students will be dismissed for the day at 12:50 p.m. as follows:
- 7:35-8:25 Early bird classes (if currently scheduled)
- 8:30-9:20 Period 1
- 9:25-10:15 Period 2
- 10:20-11:10 Period 3
- 11:15-12:05 Period 4
- 12:10-12:50 Period 5
- 12:50-1:00 Transition time for students to leave the school for the day.
- 2:00-3:00 students may return to school for self-directed work or may work on assigned materials at home. Teachers will be available to support learning through Edsby, email or in-person.
- The high school schedule will compress to a 5-period day (no advisory) in the morning and students will be dismissed for the day at 12:50 p.m. as follows:
All field trips, charter buses for full band, Campus Regina Public transportation and all other bus charters are cancelled. School-age care programs (Before and After programs) will operate as usual.
These adjustments will be in place until further notice. We understand that these are disruptive developments for students and families and will strive to keep you informed as soon as possible of any impacts in Regina Public schools, via email/text using our School Messenger system, our website, Edsby, and social media platforms.
If you have general questions or concerns, please email the school division at info@rbe.sk.ca or 306-523-3000. If you have questions about the specific activities impacted at your student’s school, please contact the school directly.
Darren Boldt
Director of Education/CEO