Being awarded a scholarship is a great way for students to be recognized for all their hard work, but you will not get a scholarship if you do not apply. Finding scholarships can be a daunting task, but it is worth the effort. This compiled list is a starting point for students and families to investigate scholarships, but is in no way comprehensive. Families are encouraged to search out additional scholarship opportunities.
When asking someone to write a reference letter for you, it is important that they know all the wonderful things you have done, both in and outside of school. This form will help you organize your accomplishments to provide to the individual who has agreed to write you a letter.
Please CLICK HERE to view the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall scholarships.
Each year, the Saskatchewan School Boards Association awards two $3,000 scholarships to graduating Saskatchewan high school students going into post-secondary study:
Degree Program Scholarship: $3,000
Technical/Trade Program Scholarship: $3,000
Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated good character, community leadership, financial need, and a 500-word essay. The application deadline is August 31st each year. To access the application form and view the rubric that is being used to score the scholarships, please visit
Information regarding both the Premier’s Board of Education Award for Innovation and Excellence and the Award of Distinction is available. Please visit and follow the relevant links to access the Nomination Guide and Scoring Rubric for the Premier’s Award and the Nomination Criteria and Procedures for the Award of Distinction. The deadline for submissions is September 30th.
Saskatchewan Association of School Business Officials (SASBO)—Flyer, Application
Conexus Youth Leadership Award
Terry Fox Humanitarian Award/Scholarship
Sam Hofer Memorial Scholarship
Affinity Credit Union Scholarships for Grades 11 and 12 students
Jill Mack Memorial Scholarship
Saskatchewan Agriculture Student Scholarship
Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA) Future Leaders Scholarship
Cassidy Grimm Memorial Bursary
BHP Jansen Project Scholarships
Elwood Harvey Co-operative Leadership Award
Nature Regina Graduate Student Grant