
Post-Graduation Fair 2023

OCTOBER 23, 2023 — The Regina Public Schools Post-Graduation Fair will be hosted at F.W. Johnson Collegiate on Thursday, November 9th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and on Friday, November 10th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. We welcome all students and their families to come meet with representatives from post-secondary institutions, community groups and employers.


Innovative Speed Radar Backpack Initiative

October 19, 2023 – An innovative new approach to enhancing school zone safety and speed awareness was launched today by the City of Regina with partners from CAA, Regina Police Service and the Regina Public and Regina Catholic school divisions.

Working with the CAA Safety Patrol Program and the students and school employees who operate it daily, the new program features a backpack that’s worn by a student and a radar-based speed sensor held by another student. Drivers in select school zones will immediately see their speed and a corresponding colour. Speeds less than 30 km/hr – the school zone limit will show as green, or amber. Speeds over the 30 km/hr limit will be shown in red.

Shared Values Ceremony

October 13, 2023 -- Trustees, administration, family and friends gathered to celebrate and congratulate the 2022-23 Shared Values Recognition Program (SVRP) recipients. The ceremony held on September 26th marked the 15th annual event and was held at the Conexus Arts Centre.

Emceeing was Board of Education Chairperson Sarah Cummings Truszkowski. She spoke about the achievements of all the recipients, as well as the history of the Shared Values Recognition Program. Assisting her on stage was Trustee Tracey McMurchy who handed out the award plaques to the recipients.

The 2023 SVRP recipients this year included 11 honourees. In previous years, there were 10. Note their job responsibilities were as of 2022-23, when they were nominated: