What's New

Student Citizenship Awards

JANUARY 7, 2025 — Public Schools of Saskatchewan will be recognizing public school student groups or classes who support citizenship or character building within their schools or community by providing annual Student Citizenship Awards. Student groups or classes at elementary and high school will be recognized for their contributions. There will be three $1,000 awards for Grades 1 to 8 and three $1,000 awards for Grades 9 to 12.

Read details and find the application form here.


Celebration of Learning at Board Meeting

November 28, 2024 -- Trustees had a chance to hear directly from students at the Board of Education meeting on November 28, 2024.

Students from the Supportive Environment Program at Winston Knoll Collegiate, the Program for Students with Visual Impairments at Campbell Collegiate, Imperial Community School, Marion McVeety School, and the miskasowin askîhk Land-based Program at Campus Regina Public participated in the celebration of learning presentation. All students presented to the board and, in turn, were asked questions by the trustees. It was a good opportunity for the board and the public to hear student voices.

Thanks to the students’ families and school-based staff who made it possible for the students to participate in the evening meeting.


Severe Weather Reminders

Severe weather is a way of life in Saskatchewan. In Regina, it gets cold in the winter. There are severe weather conditions that include snow, ice, blizzards and wind chill that we have come to expect.

Read this article about what to expect and how to provide feedback.

Going to school is also a way of life for our students and staff, regardless of the weather. Very rarely are Regina Public schools closed during a regular school day...even in a blizzard! School buses and transportation similarly will run in most temperatures.

Regina Fire & Protective Services Career Information Sessions

SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 — Regina Fire & Protective Services (RFPS) will be hosting career information sessions for girls/women 14 years and older on October 2nd and 5th at the Regina training facility (1205 Ross Avenue).

These FREE sessions will provide an in-depth look at both the benefits of a career in the fire service and the requirements to achieve the position of firefighter. These sessions are designed for participants to interact with women working within the industry who can provide firsthand knowledge of what it takes to be a firefighter with RFPS.

To register, please scan one of the QR codes in the poster below.