Regina Public Schools is adding SMS (Text) messaging to its parent notification system. In the event of an emergency, a school closure, or a cancellation of classes, we would like to alert and inform parents/guardians as quickly as possible.
Currently Regina Public Schools uses automated telephone calls to alert parents and guardians. With this change, if parents opt-in, and if they have provided their preferred emergency contact mobile telephone number, they will receive both an automated phone call and a text message, in the event of an emergent situation.
What to expect:
On March 4th, after 3:30 p.m. all parents/guardians who have registered their emergency/preferred telephone number with their child/ren’s school will receive an automated telephone call informing them that they will receive an automated text from a six digit telephone number with the words: “Regina Public Schools” and instructions.
If a text is received, parents/guardians will have the option to reply “Y” or “YES” if they wish to get emergency messaging by text – from “RPSCHOOLS”, as well as by telephone. Parents/guardians who do not wish to receive texts may, at any time reply “N” or “NO”, or ignore the text, to not get further messages.
If a text isn’t received, we don’t have your mobile telephone number. Only those that have registered their mobile telephone numbers with their school will be contacted. Mobile telephone numbers can be added to the contact list at any time by visiting or contacting the child/ren’s school. Please note, that there may be a number of emergency contacts on our list. They will also be contacted with a telephone call. Please inform emergency contacts if their telephone number has been added to your child/ren’s emergency contact list.
Regina Public Schools thanks all parents/guardians for their patience during this transition. We hope by adding text notifications, that we will be able to contact you more quickly and accurately in any emergent situation.
If you have any questions, please contact your school principal.