June 26, 2020 -- Congratulations to the SVRP Recipients!
Every year, Regina Public Schools honours and celebrates recipients of the Shared Values Recognition Program (SVRP). This year is no different. The Regina Board of Education has selected ten recipients for 2020.
These recipients were nominated in the 2019-20 school year by their colleagues, by students, by parents and by school community council members. They were selected by the Board because they exemplified the Shared Values: I am responsible; I want to know; I belong and I respect.
In a normal year, recipients would be celebrated in a Board-hosted event. This event was planned for June 2020 and was to be part of the Regina Public Schools Long Service Reception but it wasn't a normal year. The Long Service Reception has been indefinitely postponed, pending direction and health and safety guidelines from the Government of Saskatchewan. The event will be held when it is safe to do so.
The recipients named below will all be presented with their Shared Values Recognition plaques by Director of Education Greg Enion.
We all look forward to seeing a formal celebration of the SVRP recipients in the near future!
This year’s recipients are:
- Danita Achtemichuk, Teacher, Ethel Milliken School
- Rulene Gilroy, Vice-Principal/LRT, Dr. L. M. Hanna School
- Carey Hamel, SLP, Division Office/Ruth Pawson School
- Kim Markwart, Principal, Ruth Pawson School
- Scott McKillop, Teacher, F. W. Johnson Collegiate
- Brad McLain, Head Facility Operator, W. H. Ford School
- Krystal McPherson, Principal, École Connaught Community School
- Sherry Reavley, Vice-Principal, W. F. Ready School
- Karen Riche, Educational Assistant, Henry Braun School
- Timothy Sweeney, Teacher, École Connaught Community School
For more information about the Shared Values Recognition Program, please go to the SVRP page.