NOVEMBER 2, 2022 -- On October 7th, F.W. Johnson Collegiate staff, along with Elders Hazel Dixon and Lloyd Carrier, travelled to the Treaty Education Alliance Centre in Fort Qu’Appelle to participate in a Treaty Walk. It is a “hike, a stroll, a field trip with Treaty on the mind” and “the goal is to promote our shared history and work towards truth and reconciliation by reflecting on Treaty and our role within it” (Koops, 2012).
Sheena Koops, Nation Building Advocate, led staff to multiple locations to better understand the original intent of Treaty 4. Staff gained a deeper understanding of the ways that the treaty agreement has been broken and our collective obligation to honour it again. Staff also had time to share and reflect on their personal treaty story.
The day concluded with a talking circle in the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council tipi, allowing staff to reflect on our shared Treaty obligations in a place so full of history. This PD day brought on new teachings, new perspectives and awareness that staff will take into their teaching practices and back to their kitchen tables.
Many thanks to Treaty Alliance Centre for hosting the staff. This was another meaningful step in a reconciliation journey which would not have been possible without the support of the PDAC committee.