MAY 7, 2021 -- Over the past few months, Regina Public Schools staff have been anticipating the end of the school year and graduation ceremonies for our Grade 12 students.
We are very pleased to be in a position to share that we have worked on a partnership with Regina Exhibition Association Limited and have some tentative options in place to allow each of our Grade 12 graduates, and a limited number of guests, to participate in a graduation ceremony.
It is our hope that each high school will celebrate their Grade 12 graduation at Mosaic Stadium.
Unfortunately, the current Government guidelines posted on April 28,2021, limit outdoor graduations to a maximum of 30 guests.
It is our understanding that the guidance for graduations will be re-evaluated on May 17th and hopefully we can begin planning and share more details at that time.
In the meantime, over the next few days, we will be informing soon-to-be graduates and their families to save the dates, in hopes that we will be able to proceed with this once-in-a-lifetime graduation ceremony for our deserving students and their families. Rain dates will also be made available.
If required because of government direction, we will make alternate graduation plans and share them with Grade 12 students and their families.