Thanks to parents, students, and staff we are always learning!
Regina Public Schools has had to, on several occasions, cancel all student transportation because of dangerous, icy conditions on residential streets. We would like to thank all parents, students, school families and, of course, school staff for working through that inconvenience and interruption to daily routines.
We’ve heard from a number of parents, students, staff and partners about what we have done right and what we could do better. We appreciate and welcome all your comments, observations and suggestions!
A number of things to keep in mind:
- When Regina Public Schools cancels transportation (because of dangerous road conditions, or at -45C wind chill as determined by Environment Canada at 6:00 a.m.), that includes all transportation – buses, vans, taxis and other vehicles used to get students to and from school.
- This means that all field trips, excursions, band, swimming, curling, Outdoor Education trips and transportation, as well as transportation for Campus Regina Public is cancelled.
- When it is -40C wind chill, transportation for students who require specialized transport with wheelchair lifts or Paratransit may be cancelled.
- In both cases, parents and guardians whose children are transported will be notified by telephone as soon as possible about the cancellations. Remember, there are almost 6,000 calls to be made. It is critical that all parents check with their school to make sure that their contact information is accurate and up to date.
- Regina Public Schools relies on the support of local radio, television and newspaper media to help get the message out. When a cancellation notice is made, all local media is contacted. Additionally, messages are also placed on the Regina Public Schools website (www.reginapublicschools.ca) under the Announcement column and/or the What’s New column. We also tweet and retweet messages about any cancellations between 6:10 and 9:00 a.m. from our Twitter account: @regpublicschool.
- Regina Public Schools does not provide student transportation for high schools students.There is parent-organized service that goes to several high schools. This is run by the City of Regina or city buses. Regina Public Schools does not have control when or if these buses are cancelled, nor does it communicate their status with the families who use them.
- It is always the family’s choice whether or not to send their children to school in extreme weather. While we would prefer kids go to school because attendance is tied to achievement, we still understand that there could be many reasons why a parent chooses to have the student stay home or if they cannot find transportation for that student.
- School is very rarely cancelled. If the student will be absent, please do contact the school and let them know, as you would normally do following any absence. The best way to ensure kids are safe is to know for sure where they are!
- If you do plan to arrange other transportation for your child/ren for the morning or you drive them yourself, please ensure that you also make plans for a pick up after school. When student transportation is cancelled, it is cancelled for the whole day. Please inform the school immediately, if you will be delayed, or pick-up plans change.
Regina Public Schools can’t predict or control the weather, but we can work with parents to make these unexpected cancellations easier on students, families and staff – many of whom also have children who must get to school when transportation is cancelled.
Although we hope for very few, if any, future transportation cancellations, we look forward to your continued cooperation and feedback.
If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to email info@rbe.sk.ca.