NOVEMBER 29, 2021 -- On November 1st, the Grade 8 class at Harbour Landing School taught by Danielle Stinson and Brianne McFetridge had an exciting return to field trips with a visit to the Legislative Building of Saskatchewan. This was the culmination of their unit on elections and government procedures that had them engaged in an election simulation ending with the 2021 Student Vote.
The trip to the Legislative Building included a tour of the building where they learned about the history and about some of the major political figures of Saskatchewan. Following the tour, the Grade 8 students were invited to the public gallery in the legislative chamber to watch Question Period. Question Period is always interesting to watch and this time was no exception!
Following Question Period, the class met with their Member of Legislative Assembly Muhammad Fiaz to learn about being an MLA and ask questions. It was a great way to engage in politics and see our leaders in action.