May 9, 2019 -- Regina Public Schools’ “Laughter for Literacy” raised $79,000!
These funds will support Summer Success Camps, which aim to improve educational outcomes for Regina’s children by building essential literacy skills, while preventing summer learning loss. This success is a great example of how the Regina community can work together to make a difference and contribute to the learning and literacy success of students.
This is the third annual and successful event held benefiting Summer Success Camps. Thanks to everyone in the Regina Public Schools Community for making the event and the fundraising a success.
Thank you very much, as well to all our community and business: TCU Financial Group, Mosaic, Sasksport, Campbell & Haliburton Insurance, University of Regina, Grain & General Services Union, Eden Care Communities Foundation, SaskTel, SGEU and the Saskatchewan Rough Riders.
For many children, summer camp is a rite of passage. So too is learning to read and understand reading material that becomes increasingly complex and demanding as students proceed from early learning to grade school and into high school and beyond. Regina Public Schools is making lifelong achievement through improved literacy possible through Summer Success Camps.
At all Regina Public Schools, our core approach is to increase the number of students who achieve grade-level performance in literacy. Reading levels are considered a leading indicator of future student success. Unfortunately, some children struggle to read at grade level by Grade 3. Creating learning opportunities in a camp environment is making the difference.
Summer Success Literacy Camps provide children with a unique two-week learning opportunities in the summer months, when classroom learning is on break. The camps support vulnerable children through focusing on small group literacy instruction, nutrition, and fun activities. The goal is to prevent students from sliding in their reading level over the summer.