January 17, 2020 – Following a commitment from the Board of Education, a Regina Public Schools Special Committee for Diversity has been created. The purpose of this Committee is to guide and inform existing Regina Public Schools administrative procedures, practices and school-based activities related to issues of diversity.
Membership for this committee has been selected. Members include representatives of the Regina community, Regina Public Schools parents, a representative of UR Pride, Regina Public Schools in-school administration and teachers, and school division administration. The composition of the membership was designed to ensure that each member brings with them personal and professional experiences and perspective, as well as a willingness to collaborate.
The Special Committee will be chaired by Superintendent Jason Coleman and Director of Education Greg Enion and Supervisor of Communications, Terry Lazarou will also be participants. At the discretion and requirements of the committee, it may hear presentations from individuals and groups.
The Special Committee for Diversity has meetings scheduled in January, February, March and April. One of the objectives of the Committee is a report and presentation to the Board of Education, tentatively scheduled for the May 5, 2020 Board Meeting.