September 24, 2024—Trustees, administration, family and friends gathered to celebrate and congratulate the 2023-24 Shared Values Recognition Program (SVRP) recipients. The ceremony on September 23rd marked the 16th annual event and was held at the Conexus Arts Centre.
Emceeing was Board of Education Chairperson Sarah Cummings Truszkowski. She spoke about the achievements of all the recipients, as well as the history of the Shared Values Recognition Program. Assisting her on stage was Trustee Lacey Weekes, who handed out the award plaques to the recipients.
The 2024 SVRP recipients this year included 11 honourees. Normally, there are only 10 recipients selected out of the dozens of entries. This is the second year in a row that the selection committee selected 11 deserving recipients.
Please note the job responsibilities were as of the 2023-24 school year, when this year’s honourees were nominated. Listed below are the 2023-24 Shared Values Recognition Program recipients:
- Christina Chatwell, Jr. FIAP Teacher, Dr. George Ferguson School
- Mike Foraie, Head Facility Technician, Arcola Community School (formerly at Walker School)
- Jeremy Gaboury, Core French Teacher, Campbell Collegiate
- Les Grad, Head Facility Technician, Douglas Park School
- Danielle Hackel, Vice-Principal & Grades 5/6 Teacher, Wilfred Hunt School
- Jennifer Huber, Jr. FIAP Teacher, W.F. Ready School
- Pam Korczak, Mental Health & Wellness Coordinator, Division Office
- Maria Makris-Nagel, Commercial Cooking & PAA Teacher, Campbell Collegiate
- Tanja Maxie-Poitras, miskasowin askîhk Land-Based Program Teacher, Campus Regina Public
- Gilliane Renwick, School-Based Counsellor, Grant Road School, George Lee School &
Henry Janzen School - Suzanne Shuba, Executive Assistant, Division Services & Student Achievement
Thank you to all who nominated individuals for the program. Please watch for details about the 2024-25 SVRP coming soon. To learn more about the Shared Values Recognition program, follow this link.
Pictured above: Chairperson Sarah Cummings Truszkowski (centre) stands with recipients (Back row, l. to r.): Les Grad, Jeremy Gaboury, Mike Foraie, Jennifer Huber. (Middle row, l. to r.): Gilliane Renwick, Suzanne Shuba, Maria Makris-Nagel, (Front row, l. to r.): Danielle Hackel, Christina Chatwell, Tanja Maxie-Poitras, Pam Korczak.