Newcomers to Canada and English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan (Regina Public Schools) welcomes students and families from around the world. Our school division values the cultural and linguistic diversity of all students attending our schools. We are committed to providing the highest quality of educational services to all students, including support for students learning English as an Additional Language.

Is my child eligible to attend Regina Public Schools without paying tuition?

Your child may be able to study with Regina Public Schools tuition-free if one or both parents are authorized to work or study in Canada and if one or both parents live in Regina with the child full-time. If neither parent is authorized to work or study in Canada, or if neither parent is planning to live in Regina full-time with the student, please visit International Student Program for more information about our International Student Program and how to apply.

A parent with valid status in Canada (work permit, study permit, permanent residency, Canadian citizenship) must reside in Regina with their child full-time for the child to be eligible to study with Regina Public Schools tuition-free. Please inform the school if you are planning to leave Regina  temporarily while your child(ren) will still be attending school.

  • Any new documentation that confirms eligibility for student(s) to continue studying with Regina Public Schools must be received at before the expiry date of the existing permits.
  • If you apply for extensions to your current permits but have not yet received them, please email the letter from Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) confirming that your application has been received to verify implied status. Implied status does not apply if you are requesting a change in status from the current permits (including applications for permanent residency).
  • If a parent holds a study permit, the parent must provide confirmation of full-time registration in a degree/diploma program and receipt of tuition payment each semester.

It is the responsibility of the parent to provide our office with evidence of eligibility for the student(s) to continue studying without payment of tuition fees.

Once your child is registered in school, please send any new documentation from IRCC confirming updated status in Canada for all family members to:

How can I register my child for school?

Non-Canadian students (or Canadian students whose parents are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada) will be registered through the Regina Open Door by  sending an email to

Starting Elementary School in Canada

Starting High School in Canada

You will need:

  •         Immigration documents for children and parents (PR card, permits, etc.) *
  •         Passports for children and parents
  •         Birth certificates (for children only)
  •         Original school transcripts translated into English (for Grades 10 and up only)
  •         If both parents are not currently in Regina: a Declaration from Non-accompanying Parent/Guardian for Minors that has been notarized
  •         Rental agreement or confirmation of home ownership (mortgage statement, Land Titles document or City of Regina tax assessment)
  •         A second document to confirm your address (one of the following: void cheque from bank, driver’s license, or a utility bill such as telephone, cable TV, water, gas/energy)

Please see the following documents for more information:

Newcomer Parent Guide

At School

Education in Saskatchewan: A Guide for Newcomers is available from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education in different languages.

*Dependent children of parents with visitor status are not eligible for tuition-free education in Saskatchewan. Please visit International Student Program for more information about our International Student Program and how to apply.

What school will my child attend?

The school your child attends will be determined by your address here in Regina. Please use the School Locator and the School Boundaries Map to determine the designated school for your home address. Our Schools contains more information about the schools in our school division.

Will my child receive transportation to and from school?

Most students walk to school or parents provide transportation. Transportation is provided only for elementary school students residing in designated transportation zones. If you know your address, you can use the School Locator to determine if your address is eligible for Regina Public Schools transportation:

Transportation - Regular shows that transportation will be provided for students in the English program.

Transportation - French shows that transportation will be provided for students in the French Immersion program.

Please visit Transportation for more information on transportation services with Regina Public Schools.

The City of Regina provides city bus service to some high schools. Please visit Special High School Service Routes for the route map. Students will need to purchase bus passes from the City of Regina to use this service.

What will be the grade placement of my child?

Kindergarten to Grade 10 placements are determined by year of birth, not by grades previously completed in another country. Grades 11 and 12 classes will be determined after transcripts have been assessed and credits have been granted by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education for classes completed in another country. Academic credential assessment services are provided by IQAS and ICAS. Only assessments from one of these organizations will be accepted by the Ministry of Education.

Please see International Credit Transfer Guidelines for more information.

What days of the week will my child attend school?

Students in Grades 1-12 will attend school Monday to Friday from the beginning of September to the end of June. Kindergarten is a half time program. This means that Kindergarten students will usually attend school two full days one week and three full days the next week. All schools are closed on national and provincial holidays and on professional development days when teachers meet for learning and meetings. Other breaks include a winter break in December, a spring break in February, and a summer break in July and August. Please see School Calendars for calendars for the current school year.

What are the school hours?

Schools have different start and end times, but they usually begin between 8:30 and 9:00 am and end between 3:00 and 3:30 pm. Students cannot arrive at school more than 15 minutes before the start of the school day and should leave the school right at the end of the school day. A break for lunch, usually an hour, starts around 12:00 pm. The students are welcome to go home for lunch and return to school for the afternoon. If you want your children to stay at school for the lunch break, they will need to bring a lunch from home. There will be a small charge for lunch supervision for children attending elementary or high school. Please see School Hours for the school hours for the current school year:

What school supplies does my child need and what fees may be charged?

Families may be asked to buy basic school supplies (i.e., coloured pencils, duotangs, pens, scissors, binders, ruler, etc.) for their children. School supplies vary by school and by grade. A list of what is required for each student in each grade is typically provided on the school’s website. Additional fees may be requested for your child to participate in special events, school trips, class activities or class projects.


Will my child’s school provide food?

Some schools may have food programs (i.e., breakfast, snack, and/or lunch). Families should inquire with the principal or teacher to see if a food program exists. Families of children who are transported to school by Regina Public Schools will be required to provide a bagged lunch for their children. Students who are not eligible for transportation may go home for lunch. If you would like your child to stay at school for the lunch break, and they are not eligible for transportation by Regina Public Schools, please make prior arrangements at the school for lunch supervision. A small fee may apply, and families will be required to send a bagged lunch to school with their child. If any student in the school has a severe allergy to any food, the school will ask ALL students to refrain from bringing these foods to school. Please note that all schools are peanut-free. Families should notify food allergies or particular eating habits to the principal or teacher.


What is expected of students at school?

Students are expected to cooperate fully with teachers, the school principal, and other staff. Students are also expected to attend school regularly and arrive on time, complete their homework/studies, and be respectful and cooperative.

What is expected of families?

It is important for families to speak with their child’s teachers, to ask questions, and to be informed. Families are encouraged to participate in school events and in the School Community Council (SCC). If you have questions, please contact your child’s teacher first. If the teacher is not able to provide you with the information you require, you may next contact the school principal, and finally the school superintendent.


It is beneficial for families to share information with their child’s teacher about the education system in their home/former country, the role of the teacher in their home/former country, the role of families in their home/former country, and the expectations of students in their home/former country, as these roles and expectations may be different here.


Families are encouraged to ask for information from their child’s teacher about the education system in Canada, the teacher’s role in Canada, expectations of families at school, parent involvement in the school system, and teacher expectations of students.

If you have difficulty communicating in English or French, ask someone who speaks the language to help you. Schools may have access to interpreters who could meet with and assist families.


Supervision at School

Playground supervision begins in the morning when the first school bus arrives or 15 minutes prior to the bell ringing, whichever is earlier. In addition, the grounds are supervised at recess breaks, during part of the noon hour, and after school for the supervision of transportation. Parents should be aware there is no outdoor supervision outside of these times. For specific supervision times, please contact your school principal. 

Personal Property

Please ensure that all items belonging to your child are clearly marked with his/her name. The “lost and found” at your school will contain articles left unattended if something has been lost. Personal articles should be secured in the classroom. Bikes should be locked in the racks and never ridden on the school grounds. The school cannot take responsibility for lost property. 

Regular Attendance

Regular attendance is very important. However, if your child will be absent from school, please contact the school office by telephone or through Edsby. If your child needs an early dismissal for a doctor's appointment, etc. please send a signed and dated note or send a message through Edsby to the teacher.

Illness and Accidents

Any injury or illness suffered while at school will be reported to the classroom teacher or to the office by the student suffering the injury or other individuals aware of the incident. In case of emergency illness or an accident, parents or guardians will be notified immediately.

Change of Address or Phone

Please contact the school if there is a change in your home or email address, phone number(s), or a change in family/caregiver status/responsibility. In case of an emergency, the school needs to know where to contact you. The division now uses Edsby for online communication and a system called “SchoolMessenger” to make automatic phone calls, send emails or text messages in the case of emergencies. If you receive a call or message from Edsby of from our “SchoolMessenger” system, it is important.

Evaluation and Reporting

Progress reports are issued twice a year to parents/caregivers in January and June. Parents/caregivers also participate in a three-way conference in November and either a three-way conference or a Celebration of Learning in March. Reporting to parents occurs regularly throughout the school year using Edsby. Please contact your school for more information on how to view your child’s progress online.

What programs are offered at Regina Public Schools?

English Program

The English program is for students who want all classes instructed in English except for other language subjects.

French Immersion Program

The French Immersion program is for students who want to be instructed in French in all classes. English Language Arts starts in Grade 3. Students can begin the French Immersion program in either Kindergarten or Grade 1. Please see Languages for more information on our language programs.


The Saskatchewan Ministry of Education's Pre-Kindergarten Program is a developmentally appropriate early childhood education program for three- and four-year-old children. Space is limited and children who would benefit most from enhanced programming are prioritized for enrolment. Regina Public Schools hosts a Pre-Kindergarten program in 24 of its elementary schools. There is no cost for this program.

Prekindergarten students attend a half-day of school, either morning or afternoon, Monday through Thursday. Parents are responsible for ensuring their child attends regularly and for providing transportation for their child both to and from school on time.

Families wanting to complete and submit a Pre-Kindergarten application for their child(ren) are encouraged to do so in spring (i.e. April, May, and June), over the summer, and by the end of August. After contacting the Regina Open Door Society if necessary (see How can I register my child for school? above), completed application forms should be submitted to the Pre-Kindergarten school that serves their catchment area as identified using the School Locator and Map of Regina Public Schools Pre-Kindergarten School Boundaries/Attendance Area

The review of application forms submitted begins in late June and continues in late August with families informed of student selection by the end of September.

Please visit Early Learning for more information on Pre-Kindergarten.


The Kindergarten program builds on early learning principles with particular attention to the environment and the roles of conversation and play in children's learning experiences. The teacher facilitates inquiry through children's play. Environments are carefully designed to inspire children to wonder, ask questions, and be curious; promote the holistic nature of children's learning; and encourage independence, responsibility, and participation. Please visit Early Learning for more information on Kindergarten.

Regina Public Schools has a Kindergarten program in all elementary schools and offers full-day Kindergarten on alternating days in most schools. We welcome new Kindergarten students who will be five years of age or older on December 31st of the year they register.

Grades 1 to 8 (Elementary School)

Grades (Kindergarten to Grade 8) are determined by year of birth, not by grades previously completed in another country. EAL programming is determined by the individual student’s strengths and needs, and is identified by frequent, on-going assessment.

Pull-Out Support - EAL classes are offered in small group settings and are designed to increase students’ understanding of English grammar and vocabulary with a focus on developing communication skills. The number of sessions per week depends on the student’s level of English proficiency and the amount of EAL time assigned to the school. Group size is determined by the number of students at a similar level of English proficiency.

In-Class Support - EAL teachers may also provide some in-class EAL support arranged in collaboration with the classroom teacher. The classroom teacher focuses on content instruction, and the EAL teacher provides language support to the EAL students in the class based on the lesson content.

For more information on a provincial curriculum for Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, please see the Ministry of Education Saskatchewan Curriculum.

Grades 9 to 12 (High School)

Students will be placed into the final appropriate grade upon reviewing the student’s year of birth and transcripts. For placement in Grades 9 and 10, students are placed based on the year they were born, not by grades completed in other countries.

Eligibility for Grades 11 and 12 classes will be determined by previously attained credits. In some instances, students may be awarded “standing granted” credits by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education for Grades 10, 11 and 12 classes completed in another country. Grades 11 and 12 classes will be determined after transcripts have been assessed and credits have been granted by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education for classes completed in another country. Academic credential assessment services are provided by IQAS or ICAS. Only assessments from one of these organizations will be accepted by the Ministry of Education. Please see International Credit Transfer Guidelines for more information. In some cases, students are granted a Grade 10, 11 or 12 credit from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education even though their English proficiency is not at the high school level. In this case, the student will be required to take English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes to bridge the gap in their reading, writing and comprehension skills. This takes extra time, and the student might not complete Grades 10, 11 and 12 in three years.

Students are required to complete 24 credits to meet the requirements for Grade 12 graduation from the regular program as recognized by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. These are a combination of compulsory and elective credits as outlined in High School Credit Options. High School classes are completed in two semesters each year: Semester One from September to January, and Semester Two from February to June.

One credit is equivalent to 100 hours of classroom instruction and a minimum percentage of 50. Therefore, students arriving late each semester will be eligible to attend some classes but may not receive credits for that semester.

If a student reaches 18 years of age during their time with Regina Public Schools, the student may transfer to the Allan Blakeney Adult Campus to complete their schooling.

Note: Due to Saskatchewan High School Athletic Association (SHSAA) eligibility rules, students may not be eligible to participate on a high school sports team based on date of enrolment and/or age.

For more information on a provincial curriculum for Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, please see the Ministry of Education Saskatchewan Curriculum.