Deaf Crows Collective comprised of students from the Winston Knoll Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program is pleased to announce their stage play Apple Time has been selected to be a part of the Globe Theatre Sandbox Series 2019 season from February 7-10, 2019. Following the performances at Globe Theatre, the Deaf Crows will be performing at the SoundOFF Deaf Theatre Festival in Edmonton from February 13th to 16th.
Apple Time is a bridge to all realms. It is a magical space where Deaf, Hard of Hearing, newcomers, oral communication and signing come together to create entire new worlds. Blending puppetry and ASL poetry with traditional Deaf storytelling, mime, mask, magic, and even a little bit of circus arts, the Apple Time ensemble invites you on a visually stunning, funny and poignant mythical journey of immigration and migration on the Deaf high seas. Apple Time is a contemporary, youth-driven vision of the future Deaf community.
Visit http://globetheatrelive.com/plays/2019-sandbox for tickets.