FEBRUARY 14, 2024—Regina Public Schools employees and those who work or volunteer at our schools make the difference in the lives and the futures of all our students. A smile from a child, a “Thank you” from a parent or a “Great job!” from an employer is proof of how we are contributing to the Regina community.
A true indicator of merit, however, is peer and community recognition. Sixteen years ago, the Regina Board of Education introduced the Shared Values Recognition Program. Since that time, many exceptional staff members who have most exemplified the Shared Values were recognized and honoured.
The Regina Board of Education is continuing the program this year, and we encourage Regina Public Schools staff, parents/caregivers, students and community members to recognize and honour those who make a difference in our schools and offices. These individuals make a difference by exemplifying the Shared Values in any way that promotes student achievement, well-being and successful student outcomes.
Help us highlight exceptional work and dedication to Regina Public Schools and to students by submitting a Shared Values Recognition Program nomination form by Friday, April 19th. Visit https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/shared_values_recognition_program for more information. Please note that parents/caregivers, students and those who volunteer at a Regina public school or work with Regina Public Schools staff are encouraged to submit a nomination as well.
Please use the all-time recipient list on the Shared Values Recognition Program page to ensure your nominee has not been previously honoured. We look forward to seeing your nominations!