Allison Mang and HSCC Members

Allison Mang has been a volunteer with the School Community Council (SCC) of École W.S. Hawrylak School for 10 years. An active school community volunteer, she has filled many roles and is currently the Chair of the Hawrylak School Community Council (HSCC).

Allison was a key volunteer over the past few years, especially during the months when pandemic school safety protocols made the school day more complicated. A fundraising champion, Allison and her team have helped students and the school community raise thousands of dollars for the Terry Fox Run. She has organized various events such as the back-to-school barbecue and the staff appreciation lunches. Most recently, one of the SCC events was the “Halloween Howl,” a very popular all-ages dance. Allison is also keenly involved with the Hawrylak SCC in advocating for and raising funds for an accessible playground for the school.

Fortunate to have a strong, hardworking core of fellow volunteers, the SCC team contribute significantly to daily student and teacher experiences. These individuals work hard with the school’s principal and vice-principal to advocate, raise funds, hold special events and spend time in classrooms. Thank you to all members of the HSCC for making the school feel like a close-knit family and for contributing their time, initiative and efforts.

- Submitted by Ted Jaleta (Regina Board of Education Trustee for Subdivision 1)


Allison Mang with W.S. Hawrylak student Cameron Gajadhar