Name Your School!
September 29, 2023 - Regina Public Schools will be opening a new joint-use school to replace Imperial and McDermid community schools, as well as St. Peter and St. Michael Catholic schools. This name suggestion will be for the public school. This north Regina joint-use school will tentatively open in 2025.
We need your help to name the Regina Public school!
The Regina Board of Education selects school names that are related to the neighbourhood, or area in which they are constructed. The Board may consider giving recognition to a place or an event, or even an individual. A guideline that is used is that the name is relevant to education, meaningful to the Regina community, the school will serve, and must honour or reflect the spirit of the Regina Public Schools Shared Values. An important consideration is that the name reflects wâhkôhtowin values and experiences, as well as recognizes Treaty 4, Métis considerations. Any potential name that is submitted should also be able to stand the test of time. School buildings serve their communities for many generations. A name that is selected today should remain relevant to future generations.
See Board Policy 20 Naming of Facilities for reference.
How will final name be selected?
A naming committee consisting of Regina Public Schools administration will identify and recommend a short list to the Regina Board of Education. Final decision on the selected names will be by the Board of Education.
To submit a name, please fill out the form below and drop off at any Regina Public School or the Division Office by November 17, 2023. You can also email to nameyourschool@rbe.sk.ca.
Follow this link to fill out a proposed name. Deadline is November 17, 2023.