February 14-2024 -- The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation announced they will withdraw noon-hour supervision provincewide on Friday, February 16,2024. Without having an adequate number of supervisors, schools cannot safely have students in the building over the lunch break.
As a result, the school day is being adjusted and students will be dismissed at 12 Noon in elementary schools and 12:50 p.m. in high schools.
The elementary school schedule on Friday, February 16 will be as follows:
- Regular start time until 12 noon
- Schools will be closed from 12 noon until 2:00 pm. Please ensure students do not return to school prior to 2:00 pm. The extended break is necessary to accommodate transportation schedules, teacher preparation time and the lunch break.
- 2:00- to end of regular school day - Schools reopen for students who are able to return. If your student(s) will not be returning to school, please enter the absence in Edsby or contact the school directly.
The high school schedule will compress to a 5-period day (no advisory) in the morning as follows:
- 7:35-8:25- EARLY BIRD CLASS (if currently scheduled)
- 8:30-9:20 Period 1
- 9:25-10:15 Period 2
- 10:20-11:10 Period 3
- 11:15-12:05 Period 4
- 12:10-12:50 Period 5
- 1:00-Students must leave the school.
- 2:00-3:00 access to teachers via email, Edsby or prearranged phone call.
As a result of the adjusted day, end of day transportation will begin just prior to early dismissal.Specific adjusted pick up and drop off transportation times will be communicated to individual families of transported students by the end of day Thursday. If elementary students choose to return to school from 2:00 pm to end of regular school day, transportation home will not be provided.
School age care programs (Before and After programs) will operate as usual.
Note that field trips, charter buses for full band, CRP and all other bus charters are cancelled.
Classes resume as usual on Monday, February 26, 2024, following the February break.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please email the school division at info@rbe.sk.ca or call 306 523-3000.
Read the letter shared with all school families below, or here.
You can also read the STF news release here.