Mission/Strategic Plan

Mission Statement:

Regina Public Schools provides student-centred learning in inclusive, safe and welcoming environments.


Regina Public School Division Strategic Plan 2023-2027

This four-year plan was created following a thorough and extensive consultation process that included thousands of stakeholders, employees and students. The voices of those who represent diverse and marginalized communities were heard and are reflected in the plan.

The plan demonstrates the School Division’s commitment to address the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and work towards increased Indigenous student achievement. At the same time, this plan reflects the Division’s unwavering support for diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our operations. We strive to provide a caring and welcoming learning environment for all students and staff. 

This Strategic Plan is a guide to our organization’s actions and initiatives for the next four years. It is also designed to be flexible enough to incorporate new ideas and opportunities that may help further the Division’s efforts to achieving our vision and will be renewed and updated annually.

Each school in the Division plays a significant role in implementing this plan. School-level plans have been created that have actions building towards the goals and strategic priorities in the Division plan.

Thank you to the parents, guardians, caregivers, staff, Elders, administrators, students and interested community organizations for their feedback, insights and ideas that have helped inform priorities for the future of Regina Public Schools. Your feedback helps build and support public education in Regina!       

Find the New Strategic Plan below.  You can also review a handy two-page highlight Strategy Map here.

Questions? Please contact Francine Brûlé, Supervisor of Strategic Supports at francine.brule@rbe.sk.ca. Follow this link for answers to commonly asked questions.


NEW! Regina Public School Division 2023-2027 Strategic Plan

Regina Public Schools 2022-23 Interim Strategic Plan Road to Recovery: Re-engagement

Regina Public Schools 2024 Capital Plan

Regina Public Schools Interim Plan 2021-22+ Road to Recovery: Re-engagement

Regina Public Schools Strategic Plan 2017-2020

Regina Public Schools Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Continuous Improvement Plan 2013-14

Continuous Improvement Plan 2012-13

Continuous Improvement Plan 2011-12