January 25, 2022 -- Transportation with specialized equipment for wheelchairs has been cancelled due to windchill of -44C. All other student transportation is operating today. Please bundle up and call school with any absences. Affected school families will be contacted.
If students will be absent, please report absences to school.
Note our procedures below.
If wind chill is colder than -40C, student transportation will be cancelled for those requiring specialized buses with wheelchair lifts. If wind chill is colder than -45C, all student transportation will be cancelled.
Regina Public Schools' Transportation office will contact parents in the event of a cancellation, but sometimes calls take time to get through. Please watch weather reports and be aware when we cancel. If your child is normally transported, and you get a phone call in the morning, and it is -40C or -45C (wind chill), it is because transportation is being cancelled.
Except in very rare circumstances (such as a furnace malfunction), we do not close schools because of weather. In the event of a transportation cancellation, parents may choose to drive their children to school. If you choose to keep children at home, please report any student absences to the school. We need to know that students are safe!
Please bundle up and be extremely careful driving in school zones. Stay safe!
Please watch and listen to local Regina news, watch this website and check out our Twitter account.
Read more details about our process here.
Please note that regular Regina Transit services, including Paratransit, continue for the public. Please visit www.regina.ca/transit for the most up-to-date information.