MARCH 31, 2021 -- UPDATED -- Regina Public Schools employees make the difference in the lives and the futures of all of our students. A smile from a child, a “thank you” from a parent or a “great job!” from a colleague are signs of how you are contributing in small and in big ways to the Regina community and its citizens.
Peer and community recognition can be meaningful indicators of merit. More than a decade ago, the Regina Board of Education introduced the Shared Values Recognition Program (SVRP). Since that time, many exceptional staff members who have most exemplified the Shared Values, were recognized and honoured. I Belong; I Respect; I Want to Know and I Am Responsible...these Shared Values have informed our school division’s recent past and, with the support of employees, they will continue to inspire our future as we listen, grow and evolve to meet the needs of our many communities and students.
The past year was challenging for any kind of personal gathering or recognition. In the 2019-20 school year, 10 SVRP recipients were selected. Although there was no formal in-person recognition, Director of Education Greg Enion presented their recognition plaques. What the 2020-21 school year will bring in terms of opportunities to recognize our peers publicly remains unknown. In spite of this uncertainty, the Board of Education and the school division administration are pleased to launch the SVRP for this school year.
We are encouraging Regina Public Schools staff, parents/caregivers, students and community members to recognize and honour those who make a difference in our schools and offices. We are looking for staff who exemplify the Shared Values and who make significant contributions through their work. As part of this program, up to 10 Regina Public Schools employees will be honoured at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year.
The deadline for this year's nominations is Friday, April 30, 2021.
For the nomination form and program rules, please visit https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/shared_values_recognition_program.