April 12, 2024 -- The letter below and attached here was sent to all school families. It outlines that as of Monday, April 15, all Regina Public Schools will resume as normal and all school schedules will return to their established times.
Text of letter sent to school families.
April 12, 2024
Dear Regina Public Schools Families:
Today we learned that “the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is suspending the provincewide withdrawal of all voluntary professional responsibilities effective April 12, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.”
As a result, as of Monday, April 15, 2024, all Regina Public Schools’ operations and programs will resume and all schools will return to their usual schedules.
This means that:
- All elementary and high schools will return to their typical schedules.
- Supervision before and after school as well as during the lunch period will resume as usual.
- Regular student transportation times will resume, including single and double bus runs – watch for more information from Transportation Office.
- All extracurricular activities will resume including games, practices and clubs.
- All field trips, charter buses for full band, Campus Regina Public transportation and other bus charters will resume.
- School-age care programs (before and after school programs) will continue to operate as normal.
Regina Public Schools will develop a process for addressing noon supervision fees for days when supervision was not available due to STF job action. We will communicate the details to parents later this spring.
We are grateful about the return to the bargaining table and hopeful that students will be able to return to their usual learning and school schedules for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year. We will continue to keep you informed of any future impacts in Regina Public schools, via email/text using our School Messenger system, our website, Edsby, and social media platforms.
If you have questions or concerns, please email the school division at info@rbe.sk.ca or call: 306-523-3000.
Darren Boldt
Director of Education/CEO