NOVEMBER 12, 2024 — Transgender Awareness Week is observed nationally and internationally every year from November 13th to 19th, leading up to the Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th—a day to memorialize victims of transphobic violence. Transgender Day of Remembrance was first observed in 1998 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith who hosted a vigil in memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who had been killed that year. The vigil became a commemoration of all the transgender lives lost that year to violence and has since become an annual event.
Transgender and nonbinary people continue to face marginalization and discrimination in the form of transphobia. Transphobia can manifest as negative attitudes and beliefs about transgender people, irrational fears and misunderstandings, a disbelief or discounting of a person's gender identity, derogatory language and name-calling, and bullying, abuse and violence. Transphobia and associated stigma can also create barriers (and deterrents) for transgender and nonbinary people’s access to and inclusion in services, resources and communities. It is a collective responsibility to work to reduce these barriers.
Transgender Awareness Week aims to increase awareness, visibility and knowledge of transgender people and the issues faced by members of transgender communities. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the lives of transgender and nonbinary people and the contributions they have made and continue to make.
Regina Public Schools is committed to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion and to ensuring a safe, inclusive, equitable and welcoming environment for all students and staff.