
Health Science Programs Available.

December 15, 2022 -- Saskatchewan has agreements with post-secondary institutions in other provinces to reserve seats for eligible Saskatchewan residents in specific health training programs not offered in the province. These programs provide training for priority health sciences jobs in Saskatchewan.

Click on this link to read the Health Science Educational Programs Available to Saskatchewan Students Outside the Province .pdf. There, you will find links with more information.

Kids Help Phone

December 12, 2022 -- Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.

Mental health tips and info - With Kids Help Phone’s web resources, young people can get information about how their thoughts, feelings and behaviours are connected and what they can do to care for their well-being.

Crisis support - If young people need help right now, they can text or Facebook message a trained, volunteer crisis responder at Kids Help Phone about anything they are going through. No issue is too big or too small.

All Student Transportation Cancelled

December 7, 22 -- All student transportation has been cancelled due to windchill of -50C. If students will be absent, please report absences to school. Note our procedures below. If wind chill is colder than -40C, student transportation will be cancelled for those requiring specialized buses with wheelchair lifts. If wind chill is colder than -45C, all student transportation will be cancelled. Regina Public Schools' Transportation office will contact parents in the event of a cancellation, but sometimes calls take time to get through. Please watch weather reports and be aware when we cancel.

Severe Weather and the Student

Severe weather is a way of life in Saskatchewan. In Regina, it gets cold in the winter. There are severe weather conditions that include snow, ice, blizzards and windchill  that we have come to expect.

Read this article about what to expect and how to provide feedback.

Going to school is also a way of life for our students and staff, regardless of the weather. Very rarely are Regina Public schools closed during a regular school day. Even in a blizzard! School buses and transportation similarly will run in most temperatures.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

NOVEMBER 25, 2022 -- On February 7, 2000, the United Nations General Assembly officially designated November 25th as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This campaign aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls around the world, calling for global action to increase awareness, promote advocacy and create opportunities for discussion on challenges and solutions.

According to the United Nations, violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today and remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it.