
January INFO Newsletter 2025

JANUARY 29, 2025 — Regina Public Schools publishes a monthly newsletter that celebrates the accomplishments of students and staff; reports on significant events, programs and community involvement; and highlights the activities that demonstrate our Shared Values of respect, belonging, knowledge and responsibility.

To view the January issue, please CLICK HERE.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

JANUARY 27, 2025—The United Nations General Assembly has designated January 27th as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps and the end of the Holocaust that resulted in the murder of at least six million Jews and millions of others during the Second World War. We remember and stand against hate and discrimination.

Family Literacy Day/Week 2025

JANUARY 23, 2025—The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed January 27, 2025, as Family Literacy Day and January 25 to 31, 2025, as Family Literacy Week in Saskatchewan. The week provides opportunities for communities, libraries, schools and other organizations to plan events that raise awareness about the importance of family literacy. Parents with literacy skills support children to acquire literacy skills, contributing to strong families and strong communities.