
Volunteering and the CRC

NOVEMBER 16, 2022 -- We welcome and encourage family and friends to volunteer in our school communities. Volunteer participation is an important complement to the work done by employees.

At the same time, Regina Public Schools is responsible to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff. For this reason, all volunteers who provide services to students on a recurring, scheduled basis, or who are present in a school on a recurring, scheduled basis prior to 6:00 p.m. on school days, require an original Criminal Record Check (CRC), including a vulnerable sector check.

The CRC must be provided by the Regina Police Service or, if the volunteer does not reside in Regina, from their local police agency, such as the RCMP.

Post-Graduation Fair

NOVEMBER 10, 2022 -- The Regina Public Schools Post-Graduation Fair will be hosted at F.W. Johnson Collegiate on Wednesday, November 16th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. We welcome all students and their families to come meet with representatives from post-secondary institutions, community groups and employers.

For a complete list of attendees, please CLICK HERE.

CAA Safety Tips for Halloween

OCTOBER 27, 2022 -- CAA is reminding everyone to plan for a safe Halloween! Please consider these safety tips if you’re adventuring out this weekend and on Halloween night.

Trick or Treaters - See and be Seen:

- Choose costumes that are bright at night, and don’t obstruct children’s vision and hearing.

- Trick or treating in groups is always a smart idea. It’s safer and groups are more visible to drivers.

- When crossing the street, use designated intersections and crosswalks. Be sure to stop, look, listen and think.

- Use reflective tape on costumes and have children carry a flashlight for easy visibility.

- Use makeup instead of a mask to allow for better vision.

New Subdivision #2 Trustee Elected

October 27, 2022 – On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, a by-election for Regina Board of Education Subdivision #2 was held. Today, Elections Regina posted the official results. Congratulations to the new trustee of the Regina Board of Education,Tracey McMurchy.

The Regina Board of Education includes a total of seven trustees and the by-election was held to fill a vacancy.

To review the official results of the by-election please visit the Elections Regina Web site where you will find an Official Results Summary and Official Results by Polling Station.