What's New

Argyle School Grand Opening

September 26, 2023 -- Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe officially opened Argyle School and the Regina Catholic Schools’ Ecole St. Pius X in the Lakeview community on September 25, 2023. The Grand Opening took place in front of Argyle school and featured greetings from The Premier, Regina Board of Education Chairperson Sarah Cummings Truszkowski and Regina Catholic Board Chairperson Shauna Weninger. The opening was emceed by Argyle Principal Kyla Adams.

Winston Knoll Moose Hide Campaign Day

JUNE 13, 2023 — Winston Knoll Collegiate students participated in a school-wide walk during period 5 on May 11th to bring awareness to the Moose Hide Campaign.

During the lead-up to Moose Hide Campaign Day, students in TAG did activities to gain a deeper understanding of Moose Hide Campaign Day, land acknowledgments and the importance of reconciliation. Winston Knoll joined together to take a stand against violence towards women and children and to take practical steps for our collective journey of reconciliation.

Grant for Argyle Playground

June 12, 2023 - Thank you to Federated Co-operatives Limited who awarded newly opened Argyle School's School Community Council with a $27,000 grant for a new playground. Thanks to the school community council for its continued advocacy for the Argyle School Outdoor Space Revitalization Project.

More details will be shared when available.


Building Bridges to the Community

JUNE 8, 2023 — Thank you to all of the students and families who came out to Regina Public Schools’ second Community Transition Fair at Campus Regina Public on April 5, 2023! Students and teachers from the Vocational Alternative Programs (VAP), Functional Integrated Alternative Program (FIAP) and Developmental Centre (DC) classrooms participated in a self-guided tour of various community partner exhibits.