What's New

Bryant Students Travel to Romania

APRIL 30, 2021 -- Who says that you can’t see the world these days?

Colleen Morris’ Grade 5 class at Judge Bryant School took a wonderful trip to Romania right in the middle of remote learning, as they participated in the Embracing Differences program. The sessions, which were sponsored by the Regina Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan (MCoS) and governments of Regina, Saskatchewan and Canada, were held via Zoom this year.

The Grade 5 classroom took part in a session called “Romanian Martisor,” which was hosted by Monica Cliveti, who is from Romania. The students learned about Romanian geography, history and culture.

Michif Program Accepting Registrations

APRIL 29, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools, in partnership with Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S), offers a Michif language program at McDermid Community School for Pre-Kindergarten (morning) and Kindergarten (afternoon) students.

This program, now in its second year, connects children with Métis culture and language in a half-day Michif early language program.

For more information or to register, please visit https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/michif_pilot_project or email vanea.cyr@rbe.sk.ca.

Student Competes in National Money Fair

APRIL 29, 2021 -- Rashid Heydar-Zada, a Grade 4 student at Harbour Landing School, participated in a virtual financial literacy competition and part of the Talk With Our Kids About Money program. This competition was open to Canadian students in Grades 4 to 8, and they have been working on their projects for several months.

Rashid was one of three Saskatchewan students chosen to go to the semi-finals and was the only Saskatchewan student to be selected to go to the finals where he competed against six other students from across Canada.

Wellness Wednesday Tip

APRIL 28, 2021 -- Sunshine, fresh air, signs of green! When the sun shines, put on sunscreen and soak up some vitamin D. When it rains, enjoy the refreshment.

Let's get outdoors to walk, bike, work in the garden, and play. It's a welcome opportunity to unplug, recharge and calm our minds.

Wellness Wednesday Tip - Kindness

APRIL 21, 2021 -- Kindness. We can all likely think of things each day that we say or do that are acts of kindness, but why does kindness matter to our mental health and well-being?

Kindness is linked with compassion and is considered to be an antidote for isolation, which is so important at this time. It boosts our mood, strengthens our relationships, buffers negative aspects of stress, and reinforces that there is good in us! Even reflecting on times when we have shown kindness makes us feel better!

Look for ways to facilitate kindness in your workplace, community, home and social media. And be kind to yourself!

Change Makers in Tech and Leadership

APRIL 15, 2021 -- UPDATED -- Campbell Business Club is hosting a virtual panel on Thursday, April 15th at 1:00 p.m. called “Change Makers in Tech & Leadership."

This panel will be a discussion on the Saskatchewan and Canadian tech scene and the importance of leadership in entrepreneurship. This free event will be open to teachers, students and our community!

Panelists include Swish Goswami (CEO and Co-founder of Trufan), Kristy Ehman (CEO and founder of Hyon Software) and Jordan Boesch (CEO and founder of 7shifts).